
Saturday, November 04, 2006

Luke & Ethan at the Mall

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Christmas Bazaar

Me, Alyssa Robby & Trey
Today we had our church bazaar. It was lots of fun and we made a lot of money for our youth program. Alyssa dumped pop in my hair and Robby dumped pop in Alyssa's hair. Alyssa & I had to go down to my Grandma G.G.'s house to get cleaned up. When we got back, we started a contest to see who could bring in the most customers, boys V/S girls. The girls won. We still don't know what our reward is from Jenny.

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Friday, November 03, 2006

Luke can write his name!

Today was a very special day for Luke. He wrote his name all by himself for the first time. I'm very proud of him. I bet he was proud of himself too!

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Trick or Treat!


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Tonight was Trick or Treat night. Alyssa, Tabatha & I stayed home to pass out candy while Luke, Abby & Jacob trick or treated. They didn't go far because of the rain & we didn't have many trick or treaters. Since Alyssa refused to dress up, mom gave her a costume. Isn't she cute? We all had a good time.



Luke, Me & Ethan

Tabatha & Me

Abby, Luke & Jacob

Luke & Me

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