
Monday, April 23, 2007


Hi! This movie was well...a little disturbing. But I loved it! It really wasn't that scary either. If you are easily scared, and you wanna see it, you could get freaked out. Nah, its not even that scary. My Nana hadn't even heard of this movie so I'll explain the plot. It's about this guy named Kale (I know, weird, right?) and his father died in a car crash. Kale's teacher said something to him about his father and it made him mad. He punched the teacher and was put under house arrest for three months. Kale got bored because he had nothing to do so he took notice of his neighbors. A new girl named Ashley moved in right beside him and he liked her. He, Ashley, and his friend from school, (Ronald) realized that a killer lived right next door to Kale! Dun dun duuunnn! So, naturally, they spied on him. In the end...WAIT! No way! I am not telling you! Go see it for yourself. Sorry. Love ya, bye!

Enter Disturbia

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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Blades of Glory

Ha! Blades of Glory was the best! It was so funny, and the cast was great. There was Will Ferrell, Jon Heder and lots of other people that I don't know the names of. Wait! There was Jenifer Fisher, I remember her name, and Will Arnet, better known to his fans (like me) as Gob Bluth! Also his wife Amy Pohler was in it. But no one else though. Now, I'm not a critic but you should go see it. I saw it, I think last Sunday. Yeah! Thats it. Anyways, I liked it alot. I know that I said a music video would be my next post, but I'll post that soon. Love ya! Bye!

Enter the Blades of Glory Website

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Monday, April 09, 2007


Hi everyone! Sorry that I haven't updated my blog lately, but anyways, yesterday was Easter (You should all know that) and Ethan stayed at our house because mom and Lisa wanted to surprise Nana and Papaw with Luke and Ethan's suits. Yesterday was also Ethan's Birthday. (If you know my family then you should also know that.) He had a Pirates of the Caribbean party. I won't get into that so much because that's Lisa's job. (Again, you gotta know my family to know her.) You see that fat baby I'm holding? You do? Good, that's Ethan's little brother Dylan. Well, he's not littler than Ethan, actually, he's probably bigger than Ethan! No! I'm only joking with you! What I meant by and I quote "That's Ethan's little brother" was he's younger than Ethan. Well, I guess I finished here. Calm down. I'm gonna update with a music video soon. Bye!

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